Applications Being Accepted for the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy!
Applications are now being accepted for the South Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Citizens Academy. The exciting, seven week, eight class course begins on April 24th and is a great way for the public to get an exclusive, inside look at what the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office does on a daily basis to protect its citizens. The Citizens Academy is free and only has twenty spots available. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age to participate and live in the South County area.
The course will include a tour of the Jail, Santa Barbara Courthouse and the Emergency Communications Center. The topics discussed will include the rich history of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Sheriff Training, Firearms at the indoor range, Forensics, Criminal Investigations, Traffic Investigations, Air Support, SET (SWAT), Deputy Driving Training at the Alan Hancock Academy, Narcotics, K-9, Bomb Squad, Dive Team, Patrol and more!
The classes will run every Wednesday evening through June 5 and will be held at various locations throughout Santa Barbara County. The last class is a Graduation BBQ and will be held on Saturday, June 8!
If you’re interested in becoming a part of the South Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Citizens Academy, contact Senior Deputy Greg Sorenson at 805-968-3878 at the Goleta Police, Sheriff’s substation or contact Detective Matt Banks at the Carpinteria substation at 805-684-5405 ext. 437