Local Woman Entrepreneur Named Fastest Growing Company of the Year

The event was sponsored by Whole Foods and American Express OPEN. The Awards Ceremony honored top and emerging women entrepreneurs. Jessica Herrin was honored as Woman Entrepreneur of the Year 2013 for Stella & Dot. She spoke to the audience about how women can “think bigger” before leading a private mentoring session with other award winners. The public submitted nominees and a panel of judges chose the winners based on merit, caliber, and growth in the past year.
The 2013 Award Winners are:
Fastest Growing Company of the Year Award 2013
Kristin Fraser Cotte for The Grapeseed Company
Conference of the Year Award 2013
Katherine Gordon for 3% Conference
Breakout Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2013
Nika Stewart for GhostTweeting.com
Trailblazer Award 2013
Shasta Nelson for Girlfriend Circles
Website of the Year Award 2013
Alexa Hirschfeld for Paperlesspost.com
Author of the Year Award 2013
Michele Howe Clarke for Face Forward
Product Company of the Year Award 2013
Alison Raffaele for Alison Raffaele Cosmetics
Savor Sister of the Year Award 2013
Payson Cooper of Marketing in the Morning
Mission-Driven Company of the Year Award 2013
Emily Holdridge for Everything Happy
Media Maven of the Year Award 2013
Amy E. Goodman of Wear This, Toss That
Coach of the Year Award 2013
Janice Hoffmann for Success is Sweetest
Food/Beverage Company of the Year Award 2013
Allison Jagtiani for Goji Gourmet
Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2013
Jessica Herrin for Stella & Dot
Kristin Fraser Cotte started The Grapeseed Company out of a tiny Santa Barbara kitchen apartment as a hobby back in 2004 when she was teaching elementary school in Goleta. Today, The Grapeseed Company creates over 80 botanical beauty products from the byproduct of wine. In addition to selling at their two brick and mortar stores in Santa Barbara and Carpinteria, Grapeseed Co. products are available through spas and retailers all over the world.
“We are incredibly honored to be recognized on this level,” says Cotte, “I am most thankful and proud of the humble but mighty team we’ve built over the past year to accomplish this type of growth!”
In the past year, The Grapeseed Company team has opened their second retail store, released 16 new products, participated in celebrity gifting at the Oscars GBK Gift Lounge, formulated a spa line and signature treatments for the new Spa at El Encanto by Orient Express, and will be launching over 30 products in Santa Barbara, Oxnard and Thousand Oaks Whole Foods stores this June. The Grapeseed Company has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Health, Self, Women’s Health Magazine, and other major media outlets.
Savor The Success’ Rock the World conference gathers America’s top, female entrepreneurs and executives to inspire and empower women to build a prosperous business and life. Attendees learn how to develop essential leadership skills, increase productivity and recruit top quality staff, all while networking with like-minded women. Notable speakers at the 2013 conference included Gilt.com co-founder Alexis Maybank, swimwear designer Malia Mills, MSNBC’s JJ Ramberg, Yummie Tummie founder Heather Thomson, and the author of Start With Why, Simon Sinek. Rock the World provides conference attendees with the nuts-and-bolts know-how, resources, strategies, and connections needed to succeed.