NRC Accepts PG&E’s Application for Diablo Canyon Power Plant
The nuclear power plant’s reactors will be allowed to keep running past their expiration dates during review.
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The nuclear power plant’s reactors will be allowed to keep running past their expiration dates during review.
A grant from the State of California allows for new energy initiative at Cater Water Treatment Plant.
The bank of batteries will hold 160 megawatt-hours of power when full, enough to power 30,000 homes for about four hours.
PG&E has submitted an application with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to renew the Central Coast nuclear power plant’s license beyond its current end dates of 2024 and 2025.
Massive ocean wind farms off Morro Bay and Santa Barbara County — which could transform these quiet coastal towns and affect marine life — face a turbulent path.
The Strauss Wind Energy Project received an intent letter from U.S. Fish & Wildlife on an eagle take permit, greenlighting the green-energy project for Santa Barbara County.
Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors 2:2 deadlock reverts decision to earlier denial by Planning Commission, though oil giant may reapply for a permit to install automatic safety valves.
ExxonMobil appeals the Planning Commission decision to deny safety-valve installation at Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.
Wildlife Revision to BayWa’s permit conditions passes Santa Barbara County Planning Commission.
Diablo Canyon safety committee hears public fears about the aging nuclear plant and a highly researched opinion that one reactor has reached embrittlement.