Ag Fields and Old Landfills Make Good Sites for Solar Panels
Solving multiple environmental challenges together is the essence of sustainability.
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Solving multiple environmental challenges together is the essence of sustainability.
Renewable energy, wildlife protection, preserving agricultural land, and saving water can all work together.
New farming practices can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, benefit wildlife, and help farmers.
Plants can communicate with a subsurface irrigation system. No electronic devices needed.
Lacking fossil-fuel resources has pushed Hawai‘i to innovate megawatt-scale grid and battery solutions.
Communities taking action can make a big impact.
Widespread circularity and producer responsibility can impact climate change.
The Community Environmental Council is developing a coalition to expand our local food industry.
Reduce inequality, improve health, and expand small-scale urban farming by making food affordable for all.
Nature’s processes seem the best route to large-scale carbon sequestering.