Santa Barbara County Preschool Teacher on Paid Leave After Scuffle with ICE Protesters
A video shows Rebecca Arreola mocking and confronting the group before appearing to shove one of its members.
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A video shows Rebecca Arreola mocking and confronting the group before appearing to shove one of its members.
The Fund for Santa Barbara and SBIFF will showcase the documentary about separation of families.
The Milpas roundabout on Santa Barbra’s Eastside was packed with people in a show of solidarity and protest against recent ICE operations.
Agents in unmarked vehicles were seen taking at least one person into custody Sunday afternoon.
Nearly 44,000 undocumented residents in Santa Barbara County face new fears over deportation and immigration enforcement.
President Donald Trump wants to deport undocumented immigrants arrested on suspicion of various crimes. That could put sheriffs overseeing California jails in conflict with the state’s sanctuary law.
The immigrant who became a Santa Barbara County supervisor.