A Letter to the Bullied
Bullies grow up to be losers. And you won’t even have time to feel smug because you’ll be so busy sharing your sparkly you-ness with a grateful world.
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Bullies grow up to be losers. And you won’t even have time to feel smug because you’ll be so busy sharing your sparkly you-ness with a grateful world.
I’ve dated a lot of musicians. And if you’re looking for a band member who can make your soul wail a power ballad, there’s no better choice than a bass player.
A Daily Mail survey revealed that half of married women have a “fall-back partner” in mind just in case their marriages go south.
Having kids is, in every way imaginable, an extreme sport.
Keep your CrossFit; I want to bust out the Belinda.
I’ve never understood prayer. Don’t know the point of it, how it’s accomplished, or what the word means exactly.
I learned that a survey of 1,000 British women revealed that only half of those aged 26-35 were able to correctly identify the vagina on a simple diagram.
I’m given to pondering the great questions of life, like why in Saab’s name are 15-year-olds allowed to operate moving vehicles on public roadways?
We lamb- dressers aren’t trying to compete with twentysomethings or to fool anyone into thinking we’re younger.
Starshine ponders the hoarding tendencies of her youngest son.