Patriot Games

Thu Mar 02, 2006 | 04:06pm

A candlelit vigil for the Bill of Rights drew roughly 100 people
to the steps outside the Anacapa Street post office last Wednesday,
as Santa Barbarans recognized the Nationwide Constitution Vigil
called for by the national advocacy group MoveOn. The somber
affair, cosponsored by the Santa Barbara Progressive Coalition and
hosted by Lee Heller, was part of a nationwide effort to send a
message to Congress and the White House that President Bush’s
domestic wiretapping efforts are unconstitutional and cause for
deeper investigation by an independent review committee. Last
month, former vice president and presidential candidate Al Gore
asserted before the American Constitution Society that Bush’s
repeated abuse of the law was possibly an impeachable offense.
Joining the vigil to read aloud from the Bill of Rights were former
Assemblymember Hannah-Beth Jackson, Santa Barbara City
Councilmembers Das Williams, and Congressional hopeful Brett

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