Horses 4 the Holidays

Wed Dec 20, 2006 | 04:11pm

If wild horses are the only thing that could drag you away from
your holiday shopping, take heart: You can help local non profit
wild horse sanctuary Return to Freedom while simultaneously
crossing the last of those names off your whitelist. There are a couple
of ways to help: for the equine enthusiast, you can sponsor a horse
for $45 per month, which goes to help feed and care for one of
Return to Freedom’s horses or burros; or, do your shopping through, where you can shop
thousands of the most popular retailers, and by designating Return
to Freedom as your charity, you’ll ensure that a portion of your
purchase will be donated by the retailer — and it doesn’t cost you
anything extra. Finally, you can visit Return to Freedom’s online
gift shop, which offers links to artists and other merchants who
will donate a portion of their proceeds to the cause. Visit
more information.

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