Film Discusses Diminishing American Freedoms

Fri Feb 16, 2007 | 04:29pm

It is no surprise that the topic of
American civil liberties usually brings some heated discussions to
the fore front. HopeDance films bring you acclaimed director Aaron
Russo, winner of three Golden Globes and several Academy Awards
nominations, who has taken time off his other jobs—everything from
running for governor of Nevada to managing celebrities such as
Bette Midler and Jefferson Airplane—in order to put his time and
effort into bringing you his latest project, America: Freedom
to Fascism
. The film explores the erosion of civil liberties
occurring in America, beginning with the establishment of the
Federal Reserve System.

Russo’s film elaborates on the subject matter by delving into
topics such as money creation, federal income tax and the proposed
Real ID Act, which will take effect May, 2008. The identity card
will be a federally issued ID which will be used to travel on an
airplane, open a bank account or collect Social Security payments.
The card will act as a national identity card, and the Department
of Homeland Security will then determine whether or not state
driver’s licenses meet federal ID standards.

Russo seeks to bring you this information and establish the
historicity and ties of government intervention into America’s
privacy by showing you the cold hard facts. Previews have been
receiving standing ovations, and the information you will receive
from the film is mind boggling. Don’t miss this opportunity to get
in touch with the privilege to know your rights and freedoms. For
more information, view the
. Visit
the HopeDance website
to buy tickets or view showtimes.

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