UPDATE: “Evacuation Warning” Issued for Camino Cielo Road

Citizens put on notice; includes area from Gibraltar Road east to the Ventura County Line, including Gibraltar Reservoir and Jameson Lake

Fri Aug 17, 2007 | 10:39pm

The following update has been posted on the Montecito Emergency Response and Recovery Action Group website as of 8pm Friday, August 17, 2007:

Effective August 17, 2007 8:00pm

The Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Department and fire authorities have issued an “EVACUATION WARNING” for East Camino Cielo Road from Gibraltar Road east to the Ventura County Line including Gibraltar Reservoir and Jameson Lake.

Residents of these areas should consider what they need to take and be prepared to leave upon notice of the Sheriff’s Department, as they may not be able to come back to retrieve personal items due to potentially rapidly changing fire conditions.

An “EVACUATION WARNING” alerts community members in this defined area of a potential threat to life and property from an emergency incident. An evacuation order may follow as a result of the threat.

Please monitor your local public safety warning systems and local radio and television news as conditions could rapidly change.

For more information, please contact Zaca Fire Information at 805-961-5770.

As J’Amy reports:

According to a spokesperson at the Zaca Fire Information Center, the fire made a small dip today south of Diablo Canyon. This dip triggered a decision point and fire authorities determined that it would be prudent to issue a warning for the Camino Cielo Road from Gibralter Road east to the Ventura County Line. The spokesperson said the warning only affects two residents, both dam keepers at Gibralter Dam. They were notified, but had already departed the area.

There are currently no evacuation warnings or orders for the front side of Santa Barbara county or in Montecito.

The fire has established itself in the Agua Caliente drainage but remains above the Diablo Canyon drainage east of the Ogilvy Ranch and south of the Hildreth Jeep Trail. A five acre slopover occurred along the Monte Arido Fuel Break at Diablo Canyon and was contained using air tankers and helicopters. Crews are being moved into the area to begin holding actions. Additional crews are being held in place at Ogilvy Ranch for deployment in the morning. Backfiring operations are in progress along Monte Arido Fuel Break south to Pendola Road. These operations are designed to consume fuel in the path of the fire and help change the direction of the fire. To help facilitate fire operations a helicopter base was established at Lake Casitas.

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