Jackson Announces End of Political Retirement

Vows to Run for McClintock's State Senate Seat

Thu Oct 18, 2007 | 01:21pm

Former assemblymember Hannah-Beth Jackson announced that she’s coming out of political retirement to run for the State Senate district now occupied by archconservative Republican Tom McClintock, which runs from Lompoc to Santa Clarita. A liberal Democrat with a strong environmental and pro-choice voting record, Jackson was termed out of office four years ago. McClintock will be termed out by the end of 2008, and his former staff person, Assemblymember Tony Strickland, has announced his intentions to fill McClintock’s seat. Jackson made her announcement by the Mound School in Ventura, where a nearby farmer sprayed students with a pesticide. Out of that, Jackson fashioned an unlikely coalition of environmentalists and farm bureau activists to pass a bill giving local agricultural commissioners the authority to restrict how close to schools and hospitals that farmers could apply pesticides.

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