Shoreline Park Beach Steps Closed

Ground Stability Continues to Lose Battle With Nature

Sat Jun 21, 2008 | 09:00am
Recent erosion can be seen to the left on the beach and the 50-foot fault line to the right suggests a lot more could soon follow.
Paul Wellman

Due to recent high surf and erosion of the base of the landslide, the Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department announced on June 19 that it had closed the steps leading down to the beach. A portion of Shoreline Park developed a sinkhole this winter after repeated heavy rainstorms. The unstable ground has been fenced off, but until this recent announcement, park-goers could still access the beach below. Meanwhile, clifftop areas around the landslide continue to give way, causing debris to fall on the beach. Parks and Rec representatives warn that everyone should take extreme safety measures when near the vicinity of the cliff and all coastal bluff regions that experience erosion.

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