
Thu Oct 02, 2008 | 12:00am

CURLY, NOT GIRLY: Among the more subtle influences on this week’s paper are those of Curly, the ad production betta who for five years has angrily zipped about his small bowl, inspiring our dedicated ad designers to greater and greater feats of commercial layout. “He was the runt. Now he’s our mascot,” explained Megan Packard-Hillegas, one of those who initially adopted the fish. True to the nature of male bettas, Curly puffs himself up and rams his tiny body at perceived intrudersa category that includes pretty much anything. “If he were able to get out of his bowl, he’d be running around, biting us on our ankles,” Packard-Hillegas explained. Though ad designer Sarah Wilkinson freely calls Curly beautiful, her colleague Deanna Solakian is more hesitant to shower him with praise. “We don’t get along,” Solakian said of Curly.

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