Foodbank ‘Hope for the Holidays’ Food and Fund Drive

November Marks Beginning of Meeting the Food Needs within Our Community

Tue Oct 26, 2010 | 08:55am

This year’s “Hope for the Holidays” food drive theme is inspired by a recent letter and $100 gift given to the Foodbank by a local 10 year old girl named Sophia Hope. Sophia wrote the Foodbank stating that people going hungry makes her sad and she really wanted to help. When she asked her mom how she could help, her mom told her that there was a charity, the Foodbank, that helps the hungry, so Sophia named her price, $100, and sent the money along with a letter stating, “I truly hope it helps. –Sophia Hope.”

On Monday, November 1 through Friday, December 31, the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County will work overtime to feed more than 150,000 children, seniors and families this holiday season. Now more than ever, the Foodbank needs the community to contribute to make the holidays brighter for those most in need.

During this time, you can contribute food at various Foodbank collection barrels throughout the county, including at all Albertson’s grocery stores. You can also drop off non-perishable food at both Foodbank warehouses. On Thursday, November 4, both the Santa Maria Times and the Santa Barbara News-Press will feature brown bag grocery inserts for you to fill up. The bags will have information about our most needed items and where they can be returned. You can also visit the Foodbank’s website and purchase food through the virtual food drive as a convenient way to contribute food and funds. The turkey drive is Monday, November 1st-Tuesday, November 23rd. Please donate your turkeys at either Foodbank location.

– Santa Barbara warehouse is located at 4554 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara 93110 / 805-967-5741. Contact Diane Hadighi at x 112 if you are interested in volunteering or organizing a food drive.

– Santa Maria warehouse is located at 490 W. Foster Rd., Santa Maria 93455 / 805-937-3422. Contact Claudia Ruiz at x 109 if you are interested in volunteering or organizing a food drive.

If you are interested in holding a food or funds drive for your business, school, church or another organization, the Foodbank can supply you with the following materials so you can have a successful drive: boxes, barrels, a food drive information kit, coin collection canisters and posters listing needed food items.

Sophia Hope named her price and helped those in need. We hope that you can do the same this holiday season. For every $1 contributed, the Foodbank can use its purchasing power to buy $9 worth of nutritious food.

Foodbank of Santa Barbara County is the largest hunger-relief organization in the county serving a network of more than 264 member agencies and programs countywide. In 2009, the Foodbank distributed more than 9 million pounds of food that feeds more than 155,000 individuals. The programs receiving food from the Foodbank include food pantries, soup kitchens, emergency shelters, after-school and senior feeding programs.


– Annual Turkey Drive: November 1-23

– Holiday Food Drive: November 1-December 31

– Grocery Bag Inserts in Santa Barbara News-Press & Santa Maria Times: Thursday, November 4

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