Go Fine Yourself

Wed Feb 02, 2011 | 12:00pm

I have just read about the new higher fines that our state leaders have imposed on us for the new year. Did you know it would cost you hundreds for not reporting your new address to the DMV? I would like to offer up a few fines that we, the people, should impose back on our career politicians. Five dollars each time a politician breaks his campaign promise. Six dollars every time that politico votes by the number of dollars instead of by the number of constituents. Seven dollars for every time said politician goes on a “fact-finding” junket with wife/girlfriend/both that is billed to the Golden State. And ten dollars when our rep spends more time seeking campaign funding than citizen input. Proceeds will mount quickly and could be made available to offset the horrendous overspending that has gone on way too long. As Edith Ann [a.k.a. comedian Lily Tomlin] would say, “And that’s the truth.”

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