Drugs upon Drugs

Thu Jun 23, 2011 | 05:00pm

In our current health care system, doctors do not guide patients into identifying the root cause of their illness and a plan to eliminate or heal the cause. Instead, doctors prescribe drugs to suppress symptoms and the patient is never cured. Every drug has side effects so doctors prescribe another drug to suppress those symptoms and so it continues.

A 38 year old family friend has 14 prescriptions as a result of this scam when all she really needs is to eat fresh (not processed) foods and walk at least 30 minutes a day.

Since his election, I have persistently begged President Obama, my senators, and my congressional representative to please get over their obsession with continuing this trillion-dollar giveaway to insurance companies, drug manufacturers, and doctors, and really reform health care in America.

I am a healthy 82 year old great-grandmother who has no illness or disease and take no drugs because I have not been to a doctor for health concerns in more than 50 years (only for treatment of accidental injuries). Focus your mind on wellness and reject anything less; your mind is in every cell of your body, so they respond to your every thought and go about the task of healing.

The epidemic of prescription drug addiction is alarming. We have become of nation of space cadets and zombies. People of every age group are willing to be brainwashed into the false belief that illness and taking drugs is normal.

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