Stem-cell Study for Arthritis in Dogs

Tue Oct 25, 2011 | 04:30pm

McDonald Animal Hospital is searching for dogs that are starting to show signs of arthritis. Signs may include getting up slowly, lameness after exercise, not able to climb stairs or get into the car. If your dog qualifies he or she will receive a series of stem cells and be evaluated for their electiveness for controlling pain in arthritic dogs. Stem cells are currently being used in pets, horses and even humans to treat and even cure many forms of disease.

The evaluation involves a complete history, physical exam and consultation with a veterinarian. The evaluation is free. (There will be a nominal administrative fee if your dog is entered into the study.)

Please call McDonald Animal Hospital at 805 730 1764 to make an appointment for your evaluation.

This study is being funded by Entest Biomedical and RenovoCyte.

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