
Wed Dec 21, 2011 | 03:07pm

An article appearing in your City section stated, “Addison Thompson was voted back onto the City of Santa Barbara Planning Commission after having been abruptly dumped off it two years ago to make way for Deborah Schwartz.” That is incorrect.

In 2009 there were two open seats on the Planning Commission: one vacated by Bendy White with his election to Council, and one previously occupied by Mr. Thompson who was concluding a four-year term. From a field of applicants, Mike Jordon and I were selected. The seats are not designated in any manner, so for the Independent to indicate that Mr. Thompson was not reappointed “to make way for Deborah Schwartz” (me) is no more accurate than to say Mr. Jordon was appointed on the same basis.

I have become acknowledged as a conscientious planning commissioner – applying myself through diligent meeting preparation, constructive staff collaboration, and respectful attendance to public input. In light of this, it is disappointing and unfair for the Independent to try to overshadow my work as though my appointment was due to political sleight-of-hand by those councilmembers who voted for my appointment.

I look forward to working side by side with Mr. Thompson given his experience in land use decision-making, as we both strive to improve and protect our city.

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