President Mentored by Communist

Wed Aug 29, 2012 | 05:30am

The truth can now be told. Never before has such a controversial, frightening person had such an impact on an American president as Frank Marshall Davis. According to the Associated Press, Davis was an “important” influence on Obama, one whom he “looked to” not only for “advice on living,” but as a “father figure.”

Who is Mr. Davis? According to Paul Kengor, Ph.D., in his book, “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor,” Mr. Davis was a pro-Soviet, Pro-China communist and his Communist Party USA card number was CP #47544, as revealed in FBI files.

He was considered so radical the FBI placed him on the government’s Security Index, and he wrote articles for communist newspapers in Chicago and Honolulu. (Chicago Star, Honolulu Record). Against this backdrop, Davis met a young, impressionable Obama in Hawaii.

Why does this matter? Because Obama has adopted many ideas from Davis’s communist worldview and we are paying the price today.

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