Look Closer

Tue Sep 11, 2012 | 12:36pm

On the 9/11 anniversary, it’s my hope people critically think about that day and not merely relive the images we saw and rhetoric we heard from mainstream television that tragic day. Why is it still important 11 years later? Because we are a decade into the occupation of two foreign countries (threatening a third) and the only tangible results are thousands of deaths of U.S. soldiers, hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths from the occupied lands, a $2 billion weekly cash hemorrhage that has essentially bankrupted this country…while defense contractors are having record profits.

Terror, real or imagined, is big business. The Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) receives $5 on every domestic airline ticket, called a “9/11 Terrorism Tax,” and according to MarketWatch, that fee is expected to jump to $15 per round trip by 2017. That is billions of dollars each year into the pockets of TSA. Keep that in mind as you consider these two facts: Contrary to what we’ve been told about 19 Muslim skyjackers, there was not one Arab or Muslim name on any of the passenger lists of the four planes “hijacked” that day and not one of the pilots emitted “7500” – the industry standard code for hijackings. With two pilots per plane, that means 8 pilots (most of them military trained) did not send the 7500 transmission to communicate a hijacking in-progress.

How many buildings collapsed at freefall speed that day? Most people think two fell, they don’t know about World Trade Center 7. Two planes hit two buildings but three buildings fell. Do the math.

We need to look deeper than what we saw on CNN and Fox News to understand what happened because 9/11 remains to be the largest mass murder of human beings in a single day in this country and there was never a criminal investigation or a crime scene investigation. That is a fact.

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