Looking for the Label

Sat Oct 20, 2012 | 05:30am

Dow Corporation and Monsanto have put millions of dollars into fighting GMO (genetically modified organisms) labeling, because bigger profits are at stake. It is everyone’s right to know what’s in the food we are buying, to know if it is industry-altered food that you and your family are swallowing. Monsanto’s prior attorney, Mike Taylor, is currently assistant to Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, another reason why Monsanto profits from bovine growth hormones, Aspartame, and crops genetically modified to withstand herbicides like DDT, Agent Orange, and PCBs; especially corn and soy GMOs that are available in increasing numbers of foods throughout the USA marketplace.

There are serious reasons why multiple countries around the world not only demand GMO labeling, but ban GMOs completely. The first long-term French study reveals GMOs can cause tumors, and liver and kidney disease in rats. The three-letter or three-word GMO advisory added to packaging has not proven costly to the consumer.

Those paying attention to that label probably won’t buy the product anyway – but that’s exactly what Monsanto and Dow Chemical are concerned about. Not health, but the loss of profits, billions in profits. Californian’s have this amazing opportunity to stop industries from secretly polluting our food with toxins. Yes on Proposition 37.

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