Association for Senior Care Partnering with Local Girl Scouts for “Sweets for Seniors” Community Service Project

Brownie troop 50061 raising money to deliver cookies to low-income seniors in February

Mon Jan 28, 2013 | 08:35pm

Once pre-orders are placed on January 31, the boxes will delivered by Troop 50061 to a local low-income senior residence in late February.

The community is invited to participate. The cookies are $4 per box. Orders can be placed by mailing a check made payable to Tina Kreider (ASC member and parent of a Brownie troop member), c/o Right at Home, 1018 Garden Street, #204, Santa Barbara, CA 93101.

For more information on the Sweets for Seniors project, please contact Megan Foster, ASC Community Service Chair,, (805) 682-9644.

ASC is a group of senior services-related healthcare professionals who are interested in improving the life of seniors in Santa Barbara County. The group meets monthly and offers educational programs for its members along with networking opportunities. For more information on ASC, please contact Morag Christy, President,, (805) 690-6202.

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