Kids and Cars Safety Recommendations

Tue Feb 26, 2013 | 03:28pm

The Santa Barbara County Fire Department offers the following safety recommendations:

• Never leave a child unattended in a vehicle. Not even for a minute!

• If you see a child unattended in a vehicle, call 911 immediately.

• Be sure that all occupants leave the vehicle when unloading. Don’t overlook sleeping babies.

• Always lock your car and ensure children do not have access to keys or remote entry

devices. If a child is missing, always check the pool first, then the car including the trunk.

• Teach your children that vehicles are never to be used as a play area.

• Keep a stuffed animal in the car seat. When the child is put in the car seat, place the animal

in the front with the driver. Or, place your purse or briefcase in the back seat as a reminder

that you have your child in the car.

• Make “look before you leave” a routine whenever you get out of the car.

• Have a plan that your childcare provider will call you if your child does not show up for


This could happen to any parents, even the most caring and responsible ones. Even the best of parents or caregivers can overlook a sleeping baby in a car; and the end result could be tragic.

Contact Information:

Captain David Sadecki Information Officer

Office 805.681-5531

Cell 805.689-0599

News Line 805.681-5546


All Santa Barbara County Fire Department Public Service Announcements are available at

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