‘Crazy Busy’ and Pedaling On

New Spins on Bikes

Tue Apr 30, 2013 | 12:00am

The New York Times has run some interesting articles recently about time management and productivity. “The Busy Trap” presents many of us as moving quickly through our days, being “crazy busy” and practically boasting to each other about our level of business as a sign of our level of productivity. Author Tim Kreider writes that the truly busy people don’t complain about being busy, but rather about being tired, dead tired. Those that are busy but not tired are “busy because of their own ambition or drive or anxiety, because they’re addicted to busyness and dread what they might have to face in its absence.” He goes on to say that “the present hysteria is not a necessary or inevitable condition of life; it’s something we’ve chosen, if only by our acquiescence to it.”

In a complementary article, “Relax! You’ll Be More Productive,” author Tony Schwartz writes about the impressive increases in productivity he’s found in his own life and in those of others, when more time is taken to step away from work and is dedicated to relaxation and restoration.

Erika Lindemann

I lived through my 20s deeply stuck in the busy trap. I am in the ranks of people who choose to be that busy. I’m also deeply proud of the good work that came out of those years of being crazy busy, especially in the realm of bicycle advocacy. And for the past several years, I’ve finally started taking steps to be more discriminating with my time and to take on fewer commitments.  Most importantly, I am committed to enjoying and doing my best in those commitments that I’ve chosen.

It’s been a humbling but rewarding process.

Surely, by now, you’re asking, what does this all have to do with bicycling?  Well, not much.  Rather, it has to do with my writing this article.  This Pedal On article has stayed in my cadre of commitments and I’ve truly enjoyed writing about one of my favorite topics for almost two years. I intend to keep contributing several times a year, but I am ready to give up the monthly commitment. Howard will continue to write his monthly contribution to this column, and a number of guest columnists will also share their fresh perspectives on the world of bicycling in Santa Barbara.

Here are some topics I plan to address in future articles.

Bike Corrals in Santa Barbara: The local advocates are mobilized; downtown businesses and the City of Santa Barbara are supportive. Is on-street bike parking coming soon to Santa Barbara?

Santa Barbara Open Streets/Calles Vivas: Ciclovia craze comes to Santa Barbara! “The community comes together and our streets come alive.” The date is set for Saturday, November 2.

New and Improved Bici Centro: Tour and Interviews.

Women on Bikes: The phenomenon of women in bicycle advocacy continues to grow and expand.  Interesting topics abound for future articles.

Car-free Surfing: Sure, I have to stick close to town, mostly, but I get my cardio in regardless of the waves I find. I suit up, paddle out and enjoy the ocean, then head to work.

Bikes Mean Business: Are bicyclists improving the economy? Bicycling as a lifestyle means bucks for businesses.

Several people, including our editor, commented that they are impressed that Howard and I continue to come up with fresh new ideas each month about bicycling. It certainly can be a challenge to find new spins on bikes, but that’s the beautiful thing about the topic. It seems to yield ever-new topics because bikes interact with individuals and with diverse communities in so many interesting ways.

I look forward to sharing my passion for bicycles with you, dear readers, on into the future.  And I’m also eager to read the wonderful articles that our fellow bicycle enthusiasts will bring forward as guest columnists. Pedal On!

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