Lower Blood Pressure, Improve Health the Natural Way

Tue May 28, 2013 | 11:37pm

Research indicates that lowering blood pressure using TM is also associated with significantly reduced rates of death, heart attack and stroke. (Source: Brook RD et al., Beyond Medications and Diet: Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure. A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension, 61:00, April 2013.)

Two free educational talks on Transcendental Meditation will discuss these scientific findings and other research on health and well-being. The talks are scheduled for Sunday, June 2 at the Santa Barbara Central Library at 1:30 pm In the Faulkner East meeting room and at 7:30 pm in

the Falkner Gallery. The Santa Barbara Central Library is located at 40 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara 93101. There is no charge for admission, however reservations are required. To rsvp your attendance call 602 524-5974 or email behrenburg@tm.org.

“Transcendental Meditation is a simple mental technique, taking just 20 minutes twice a day, that is practiced by over 6 million people world-wide from all different cultures, religions and educational background”, explained Barby Ehrenburg, a local certified teacher of the TM Technique. “Research studies on TM have shown significant improvement in physiological and psychological health and well-being from regular practice of this natural technique.”

The TM program is regularly prescribed to patients by physicians and cardiovascular specialists

around the country. Dr. Mehmet Oz, who is Vice-Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Columbia University and host of the Emmy Award-winning The Dr. Oz Show, says, “Speaking as a scientist, the amazing thing about Transcendental Meditation is the very well established research showing that the technique impacts things that we didn’t think were changeable. You can actually reduce your blood pressure significantly with just using Transcendental Meditation. You can also reduce cholesterol, atherosclerosis, obesity, risk of stroke—even reduce death rates due to cardiovascular disease.”

And Dr. Oz calls this the “tip of the iceberg” noting, “We all have within us a deep well of creativity, which we can access if we can settle down into those deep, calm places, those serene moments that Transcendental Meditation offers. As a result, we feel better about ourselves, we make better health choices, we communicate better with our loved ones, colleagues and friends.”

For more information contact the Santa Barbara TM program your attendance call 602 524-5974 or email behrenburg@tm.org.

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