Animals on The Other Side

A.K.A. Heaven

Sat Jun 01, 2013 | 12:00am

Duke, a Chihuahua / terrier mix, passed away in March at eight years of age. He says from heaven, “Do you know that heaven is like a comfortable couch? It feels like sitting with your people on a comfortable couch. You know when my mom used to call me and I would come running? I have that sensation here sometimes. I hear her and come running and she bends down to me and I say, ‘I love you mom,’ and she says, ‘Dukey, you are such a sweet dog,’ and I feel so good.” (Note: When the animals refer to mom, dad, etc. they are talking about their people.)

Laura Stinchfield

It is common for animals to tell me that they see their people in heaven. I used to think that angels were pretending to be us, or that our animals can live in a memory like it is present time, but now I believe that we have a higher self that is in the other side, and there is a part of us that can be with our loved ones in heaven.

Abby says from heaven,


“My mom is here with me and we play often like we are puppies. We are not always in the same form that you know. Sometimes we are energies that swirl around each other. Sometimes we move as energy fields – with no semblance of a body. It is freeing that way.

I am energy before I am dog. I am beautiful.”


Ratatouille says to his people, from heaven, “I want dad to know that I can sit on his shoulder and walk with him through life and with mommy too. I want her to know that I can snuggle up with her under the covers. I can watch over them.”

When I asked Totoro if he comes and visits his people, he said from heaven: “Yes, I come to be in the house with them. I sleep with mom and grandma. I also hang out with Akira (other cat in house) when she needs company.


Mom I want you to know here in heaven it is like a comfortable room filled with pillows and tunnels where I can hide and that take me to other places.

“The tunnels take me to places where I can see cats that need homes. I match the cats up with people. I try to make sure I give strong people difficult cats and frail people easy cats.

“Mom, I want to thank you for all that you have done for me. I know that watching me get sicker was hard on you. I always felt loved in your compassionate eyes. Mom, thank you.”

It amazes me every day how complex our spirits are and how we live on after death. Many animals have a job in heaven. It is comforting to me to know that Totoro is watching over some of the homeless cats on earth.

Tiffany was 12 years old when she passed away. Her people asked me to contact her in heaven and ask her if she knew that they were there when she was dying.

Tiffany responded,


“Of course I knew they were there. They held me and walked me to my grandma’s and grandpa’s. Grandma and Grandpa said, ‘Oh, here she comes. Look out, girl, as you come you will get more full of energy.’ Then when I got to them, I ran around in circles like I used to do when I was young and I ran around and ran around. When I was huffing and tired, and I looked down at my family and I saw all the years, and all the wonderful moments, and I said to myself, ‘I had the most perfect life,’ and then I slept and slept and slept. When I woke up, I could barely remember what pain feels like.”

Animals can have very different experiences of the dying process and entering the afterlife. It is common for our animals to see our friends and ancestors and to do things that they did when they were young. It is also common for our animals to rest on the other side when they first get there. Tiffany explained her process so beautifully.


Cody said to her person, from heaven, “I think in a past life I was beaten … Mom, I needed my life with you so that I could have a steady person in my life that never gave up on me … I want her to know that. Mom, my life with you was enriching in the way that I learned to love and be loved.”

In the days before Mascha passed away, she said, “Do you know that women look in the mirror a lot? Well maybe I can make the light flicker in the mirror.” Meaning that after she died she would try to give her mom a sign that she is around and okay.

Her person just wrote this to me: “Mascha had assured me she’d let me know she’s okay, and said she might do it in a sunbeam or in the kitchen, but she also made a crack about women looking in the mirror a lot and that she might make a light flicker in the mirror.

“Well, about a week after she died, I got up for work and did a bit of an unusual thing. I turned on my overhead bedroom light instead of my nightstand light. I literally never do that, ever.


“About 30 minutes later, I sat down in my bathroom to dry my hair and the bedroom light turned off. I briefly thought the power had gone off, but the hair dryer was still on and so was the bathroom light. The light turned back on, then off, the on again with no disruption to any other electricity.

“I knew at that moment that Mascha was letting me know she was okay.”

Video Vlog:

Stories of my animals and their passing.

All you should know about

animal death and dying and the afterlife.

Part One: Laura tells us about her animals, and their amazing stories around death. (I am not sure what you will all think of these stories. Would love some feedback.)

Part Two starts at 27.55 (Feel free to skip to this part.)

What to tell you animal before they pass.

How you will know they are ready to go.

What to look for after your animal passes.

How our animals come around us after they die.

Why it is hard for them to appear in dreams.

Why you should trust and acknowledge signs of your deceased animals.

Who meets our animals on the other side.

Can our animals be with us in heaven?

Are we with them in heaven?

If our animals were scared of people and dogs, will they be okay on the other side / heaven?

Do animals learn on the other side?

And much more.

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