Dear Sierra Club Members

Fri Oct 18, 2013 | 12:00am

Sierra Club members, please remember to vote:

If you are a Sierra Club member, be sure to vote in the Santa Barbara Group Executive Committee election starting soon. The ballot appears in the October issue of The Condor Call that you should have received.

Please take a moment to vote for the slate of Robert Bernstein, Alex
Pujo, Katie Davis, and me, Bernard Mines.

A vote for these candidates means you would like your local Sierra Club to become more active in securing greater access to hiking trails, protecting public lands, and advocating for more sustainable and bike- and pedestrian-friendly communities.

To work locally toward the Sierra Club’s national priorities of shifting from fossil fuels to clean energy for combating climate disruption and holding political candidates accountable for demonstrating strong and visionary environmental leadership, look for your ballot and vote for Robert Bernstein, Alex Pujo, Katie Davis, and Bernard Mines.

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