B Corps

Tue Dec 31, 2013 | 12:00am

Imagining a transition from profit motivation to a value-driven happier nation.

Corporations were made kings

To make cash move around.

We asked them to give us things,

To make all wealth abound.

They did make the cash move around,

But kept most of the gain.

Their wealth (not ours) did abound.

We felt we toiled in vain.

They kept nearly all of the gain

They claimed would trickle down,

And yet still we toil in vain,

Trying hard not to frown.

Wealth never did trickle down

And some jobs disappeared.

We tried quite hard not to frown

Though our motives weren’t clear.

As more and more jobs disappeared,

A few gained benefits.

The motive for this was unclear,

It would cost them profits.

As some jobs gained new benefits,

And sought to be more fair,

Worrying less about profits

And much more about care,

We felt the intention to be fair

And found our long lost smiles.

The drudge of toil was soothed with care.

Value became our style.

We found our long lost smiles

And finally got more things.

Because value was the new style

And B Corps our beloved kings.

Inspired by the article and comment found here and information on B Corps found here.

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