Another Public Request for Deltopia Video and Photos

Fri Apr 18, 2014 | 01:53pm

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office is encouraging concerned community members who have video or photographic content from the civil unrest events at Deltopia on April 5, 2014, to share it with us via an easy to use website that allows the sender to remain anonymous and can be sent directly from your computer or cell phone. The Sheriff’s Office is conducting an objective investigation to determine how the situation elevated so quickly, our response and any criminal activities that may have occurred. We appreciate the public’s assistance with our investigation.

If you have video or photos from the event, go to on your computer or you can download the application on your smart phone. For iPhones, the link is For Androids, the link is Again, you can remain anonymous.

This is the first time we have used the Large Emergency Event Digital Information Repository (LEEDIR) resource, to collect and view videos from the public to assist us with an investigation. It is also the first time LEEDIR has been activated for a real world event. LEEDIR was conceptualized by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department when the value of eyewitness information was realized in helping solve crimes and informing disaster response. LEEDIR is now available to all law enforcement and relief agencies across the United States.

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