No on P

Fri Oct 31, 2014 | 12:00am

Why would people vote “yes” on Measure P? Do they want to remain dependent on foreign oil? Do they want to lose tax revenues in excess of $30 million? Do they want to lose another $300 million in economic contributions from the people (possibly their neighbors) in Santa Barbara County when they shut down the oil industry? The oil industry in Santa Barbara County has proven to be safe. Companies such as Santa Maria Energy and others have a proven track record of clean and safe operations. The Water Guardians get up a petition and advertise it as a ban against fracking (the new F word) when they know fracking is already banned in Santa Barbara County.

The success of their solicitation for signatures was based on false information and garnered predominately in South County, which is an area racked with transient students and wealthy retirees. Do you think the Water Guardians would have gotten the required number of signatures if they had been soliciting in North County where the loss of jobs and tax revenues will be felt the most?

Please vote “no” on Measure P on November 4!

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