Second-Hand Dogs

Tue Dec 02, 2014 | 04:00pm

If you care about pets as I do, please join me in refusing to shop at any pet shop or breeder who sells animals. By doing business with these people, you are adding to the killing of animals at shelters and humane societies.

Most pet stores sell low-quality pets from puppy mills. They are raised in filthy, germ-laden conditions. Frankly, I prefer mixed beeds. They are usually healthier. For the last 40 years, I have only adopted second-hand dogs, some were third- or fourth-hand. I didn’t care. With love, a good diet, and daily walks, they were totally loving and the joy of my life.

The fewer chemicals you use on or around your pets the better off they will be. Nutritional yeast flakes can prevent fleas. Don’t put your dog at risk by using snail killer . Oat bran kills snails, and crushed eggshells around plants protects them from slugs. For the safety of children and pets, please check before buying garden chemicals. My dog loves some raw fruits and vegetables. I never buy chews from pet stores; most are full of chemicals and made in China.

Many people give their dogs bones from cooked meats. Cooked bones can splinter in the stomach, requiring expensive surgery and causing the dog much suffering. Lastly, with so much wildlife suffering due to hunger and thirst, they are after our dogs and cats. Never put food outside. In addition, do not allow your pets outside unless you are with them.

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