The Big Picture

Wed Dec 24, 2014 | 12:00am

Helene Schneider wrote: “Here’s the big picture … If we move forward with the 101 Highway Widening Project as proposed, in 20 years the highway will be widened, local traffic will be worse, and we will have to tell voters that we don’t have the funds to pay for reducing congestion because we already spent our local money on a state highway.”

It is like saying, don’t fix the leak in the roof because we won’t have money 20 years from now to put new shingles up. It’s like saying, don’t fix the water faucet, because 20 years from now we won’t have enough money for a new faucet.

Why should I blow my nose now? I’ll just have more congestion later! To Helene, I say, trying to look at the big picture through a microscope is like trying to find the Kleenex with a vacuum cleaner.

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