Bernie Sanders for President

Mon May 11, 2015 | 04:00pm

I am writing to say that Bernie Sanders is best for president in 2016 as he is for single-payer health care, which all developed nations have. It’s better and cheaper health care because because everyone is covered, which is not so in this nation.

We still have people who have no coverage and, therefore, only go to the doctor when they are very sick. They have to be sent to hospital, and by not having coverage, we the taxpayers have to cover their hospital care. In all other developed nations, they get preventive health care, which means they go to their doctor every year, so any illness can be diagnosed right away.

We have single payer in this country: It is Medicare, which has been in effect for close to 50 years and works very well. Also, our president, senators, and congresspeople have it. The opponents of single payer say you have to wait to be treated. Yes, that is true, but only if it is not life threatening.

Pharmaceutical companies get away with charging way too much for their drugs so they can make profits. Not so in single-payer countries. Their costs are controlled.

Bernie Sanders for President. He is the one.

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