Katcho for the Job

Tue Feb 23, 2016 | 06:00am

The United States Congress was designed to endure conflict. In fact, conflict and debate were assumed when our system of government was devised by the founders. And compromise is what makes human discourse and agreement possible. The laws that emerge should reflect the product of this thoughtful process.

Unfortunately, the U.S. House has become entrenched along partisan battle lines. It is place where our representatives have stopped discourse and problem solving. It has become a place where petty battles reign supreme.

The consequences are catastrophic; they are failing the people they are supposed to represent. That’s why Katcho Achadjian has consistently impressed me. He has an actual record of working with other people when he was a supervisor and again in the Assembly. He does what is best for people instead of just digging his heels in because of some partisan or petty inclination. I think it’s important to send someone to Congress that actually has experience in working with other people to get things done. Katcho is best suited for the job, without a doubt.

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