The Bern Ended

Thu May 12, 2016 | 06:00am

It’s time for Bernie Sanders to “feel the burn” which is Donald Trump which has the capacity to “burn down” our democracy. When Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for governor, a lot of us thought it was absurd to think that the “Terminator” could ever be elected governor of the largest state in the country; yet he won.

Now we have a presumptive nominee of the Republican Party who gets his “news” from the National Enquirer, calls elected senators “basket cases,” and has signaled that if he has his way, the upcoming general election will be a campaign between “Crooked Hillary” and “Dangerous Donald.”

Senator Sanders, who is obviously a good, well-intended man who has tapped into the nation’s vein of erupting anger, needs to understand that he has no chance of being the Democratic nominee for president; the longer he persists in campaigning for the nomination, the more he hurts Hilary’s chances of being elected by further alienating his voters from her candidacy.

Remember, in this world of “sound bites” and instant tweets, which people consume, we elected an action star to run California. Is it that farfetched that in this increasingly nonsubstantive world of debating through insults and non-truths, a television “Reality Host” could ascend to the presidency?

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