Your Vote Matters

Wed May 18, 2016 | 06:00am

The demise of the human race is solely in the hands of politicians for now. Nuclear blasts and the lowly unbeatable virus can do in the entire planet. That is why politics matter. To say “my vote won’t matter therefore I don’t vote” is so lame it’s shameful. You have the power to change things!

The leader of this country can make or break the entire nation and for that matter the world.

Really, take the nuclear issue. I visited Hiroshima in 2010 with my travel group. We walked arm-in-arm through the Peace Park, vowing we would work diligently to reverse nuclear proliferation. All one has to do is visit the Hiroshima Peace Museum to be completely convinced. Now we have Trump who says, let those pesky countries arm themselves — Japan, southern Korea — until we aren’t friends anymore?

A politician can make or break funding for disease, transportation, social ills, weaponry, and your paycheck. These things are not run like a business; there is no profit involved. Decisions are made through negotiating in good faith to further our values not our bottom line.

These things affect you on a daily basis. So be careful who you vote for, but for heaven’s sake, vote.

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