
Sat Jun 04, 2016 | 12:00am

In response to Bill Henderson’s letter “No Respect,” this is what happens when the establishment can’t find any real dirt on a good candidate: they make up pathetic and desperate lies in an attempt to keep their seat.

“Riddled with red flags”? Please. If you want to talk about red flags, let’s talk about how Katcho sold his soul to his financial backers against the voices of the community or about how Salud takes bribes from people trying to get projects approved by the county and denies support to people that don’t support him.

Justin let the organizers of that debate know he could not make it months in advance, and it occurred before the campaign season began. Actually, it occurred before Justin had even filed.

Justin’s ads are fair, true, and aimed toward creating better transparency in this race. Everything he said about Katcho in his commercial is a fact that anyone can verify within five seconds on Google. Also, if the author truly thinks that Katcho is “the frontrunner” in this race, then he is obviously too detached from reality to be taken seriously.

Ultimately, this is just another sad attempt to keep a hardworking and true public servant out of office, and I’m saddened to see such an obvious disregard for the truth.

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