Crooked-Neck Giraffe Returns!

Santa Barbara Zoo Now Showing Famous Bones of the Late Giraffe Named Gemina

Thu Jul 21, 2016 | 12:00am
Caitlin Fitch

Although she passed away in 2008, Gemina, the Santa Barbara Zoo’s most recognizable animal of all time, is back, at least part of her. The crooked-necked giraffe’s top six vertebrae, skull, and jawbone are now on display as part of the exhibit Animals… Inside Out, which is otherwise a collection of x-rays taken of zoo residents that’s now open inside the Discovery Pavilion’s Volentine Gallery. Her bones were preserved and reassembled by Skulls Unlimited, and the display case was provided free of charge by Trupart, a company in Ventura. “It’s good to have her back, to remind us that being different is special,” said Zoo Director Nancy McToldridge. In other giraffe news, the zoo is on baby giraffe watch again, so keep an eye out on your next visit!

Michael the giraffe
Caitlin Fitch

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