United States of Russia?

Thu Dec 22, 2016 | 12:00am

The American people have just witnessed a Trump; Vladimir Putin coup d’état take over the United States government.

There is no doubt that the Russian government hacked the DNC and released information that cost Hillary Clinton the election. The release of “fake news” by the Trump campaign that was actually believed by many people was not disputed and fact checked. When Trump’s statements were fact checked, he lied 80 percent of the time. What do you think he is going to do once he is in the White House?

It has become clear with Trump’s cabinet selections that his goal is to destroy everything that America has accomplished to address Climate Change, income inequality, Wall Street, foreign relations, LGBT rights, and just about everything that we have gained over the past 50 years.

The founding fathers put a safeguard into the Constitution to protect us from such an event with the Electoral College. It allows the Electoral College to reject a candidate who is unfit for the Office of President or was elected by foreign influence. This is the first time in 240 years that this has occurred. Trump put a lot of pressure on the Electoral College to vote for him and not to follow the safeguards provided in the Constitution.

If we let Trump take office, the United States will become the United States of Russia, everything that the America people have fought for in the last 50 years will be gone, and the Climate Change issues will not be addressed, leading to the total collapse of the environment before Trump leaves office in four years.

At this point, we as the people of the United States have to question what has happened and take action to correct this coup d’état.

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