Chuck Berry’s ‘Chuck’

Posthumously Released Album Is a Soulful Blast

Tue Sep 05, 2017 | 02:34pm
Courtesy Photo

Chuck Berry’s final, posthumously released album is a soulful blast of old-school rhythm ’n’ blues that captures the heart and the imagination. Dedicated to his wife, Themetta “Toddy” Suggs, and recorded with friends and family, Chuck proves that Berry was joyfully rocking right to the end. The exuberant “Big Boys,” saucy sequel “Lady B. Goode,” and impishly celebratory “Wonderful Woman” go all out with signature Berry riffs. Chuck Berry the man may have passed away — but Chuck Berry’s musical genius as the poet laureate of first-generation rock and great emancipator of American youth during the ’50s is immortal. Hail, hail the true king of rock ’n’ roll!

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