Freedom Is Not Free

Wed Jul 04, 2018 | 10:52am

Viewing a Statue of Liberty this week reminds me of what nurtures the freedom and liberty I enjoy. Are these blessing my birthright, regardless of my actions, or do I have to earn them?

Securing the “Blessing of Liberty” is the fifth of five goals stated at the beginning of our Federal Constitution. The number one goal is to Establish Justice. How do we treat each other fairly. The second goal is to Ensure Domestic Tranquility, so that we live in peace with each other.

On to Goal #3, to Provide for the Common Defense, so that we are protected from predators both foreign and domestic, be they microbes, mayhem, con-artists, or marauders. Goal # 4 is To Promote the General Welfare, encouraging a safe, healthy, and prosperous community.

Our nation’s founders understood that for us all to be free and to enjoy individual liberties, depends upon how we treat others in our community. Are we there for others when they are faced with injustice, when they are in turmoil, attacked, or destitute?

Ignoring the welfare of our neighbors creates the animosity and rage that ultimately leads to draconian measures that corrode the freedoms we cherish.

My liberty to do what I want ultimately depends on my responsibility to others in my local community and in our world community. One for all, all for one.

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