Politicians Out of Touch

Mon Jul 30, 2018 | 03:00pm

Crippling taxes and regulations have stifled the growth of small businesses, and fiscal irresponsibility has become the status quo among our elected officials in Washington, D.C. I come from a family of small business owners, and over the past few years, their businesses have been hit with regulation after regulation and almost taxed into bankruptcy.

When they are discussed on the news, these regulations seem like they are only hurting some New York mega-bank, as you would see in the movies. That is not true. Small business owners are the ones who bear the burden of these regulations. Year after year, middle-class families must “tighten the belt” because of increased taxes.

The real injustice of the situation is that as American families see their small businesses fail because of these overbearing taxes and regulations, our politicians spend more of our hard-earned money. Many of our politicians now have the same problem that most people had when they were 10 years old — when they get money, they spend it immediately (often irresponsibly) rather than saving it.

Americans have been cutting the check for our politicians’ rampant spending for too long. Career politicians who have been in office for so long that they have forgotten their constituency, and who have become beholden to special interest groups, must be voted out of office. We must elect those who stand for the middle class and are in touch with our fiscal issues.

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