Limited Search for Evidence

Fri Oct 12, 2018 | 06:04pm

Readers should be suspicious of any claims that “there is no corroborating evidence” to sustain the testimony of the assault victim Dr. Christine Ford. This false assertion was made in an expensive television ad, and repeated almost verbatim in a letter to the Independent.

This assumption is deliberately misleading because it ignores the evidence that has been suppressed, including the papers Kavanaugh wrote to impeach President Clinton. And although Senator Collins of Maine did a thorough search of Kavanaugh’s voting records, she ignored the time when he stalled the abortion of a refugee 17-year-old to make the abortion more dangerous.

The so-called “investigation” by the FBI was so restricted by President Trump that witnesses who should have been interviewed, such as Mark Judge, Dr. Ford, and Judge Kavanaugh, were not heard by an impartial investigator.

Senator Collins questioned why nobody called the 15-year-old assault victim after the party, to ask why she left early, but how could Collins possibly know that nobody called the victim? Collins knows from her own experience that assault victims rarely talk about it because several of her long-term friends had been victims and she never knew it.

She also asserted that none of Dr. Ford’s classmates had come forth to corroborate her story. Perhaps Collins had not heard of the 4,000 people who tried to contact the FBI with new information. Their letters and calls were ignored. Just because Collins had not heard it does not mean that no corroboration exists.

Now the public needs to depend on investigative reporters to do the job that the FBI was prevented from doing.

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