Mediocre Voter

Tue Nov 06, 2018 | 04:12pm

Maybe the pursuit for perfection is rooted in fear of mediocrity rather than failure.
Maybe some of us are so impossibly hard on ourselves
that if we aren’t proud of our first try, we shouldn’t try at all.
Isn’t the foundation of the American education system based upon mediocrity?
C is passing. 4.8 GPAs with APs aren’t accepted into their own state universities.
We aren’t encouraged to travel unless our families are fortunate.
The call to prayer of private schools that prey on fear.
Our country is best, the most advanced,
but sure, we hope the archdiocese eliminates evolution from the curriculum.
Our religion is best. We won’t let you in,
but we’ll tell you about it.
Fear of mediocrity.
That our works won’t win us entry thru the gates,
that our prayers weren’t worth hearing,
that we were only gifted at sinning.
Isn’t the reason we’re all getting our asses to the ballot
November 6th
the fear of mediocrity?
Because we know we can do better,
and we must do better.
Fear of mediocrity is irrational.
Being afraid of succeeding without accolades.
But I do it. We all do it.
Perhaps we’re afraid of having to practice at something again.
It checks our adult egos at the door
as we relearn a new alphabet.
Mediocrity is why FEMA allows contractors to build on unfit soil
and insurance companies to punish their own claimants.
Mediocrity is why we’ll be arming teachers who work with our children,
because we will not do better.
But mediocrity is the gentle hand that beckons the artist
“It is okay. It is okay.”
And the artist, knowing damn well they will not be satisfied with first try,
toils on.
The artist makes friends with mediocrity, the only access to success.
To greatness. To veneration.
How is creating not a brave act? To put forth what is channeled thru you,
and only you, into this world, without filter or distraction?
Without the agenda of church pastors and coddled politicians,
without guarantee of a single dime, without any support for your whimsical dreams?
Only to be taxed and penalized in the fortune that you do see profit?
We pick and choose, mix and match admirations from the past.
Why do we fly across the globe to view paintings and tour ancient architecture?
Does our society not revere the arts? Does it not beg borrow and steal as it sees fit?
It certainly crucifies its artists, censoring messages, Photoshopping the masterpiece of humanity as a whole.
Comments poison and egos threatened,
all because someone tried to conceive and share something with the world.
And artists often as sensitive as they are…
Their bravery not in question, subjected to internal and external criticism.
So look to our modern artists to mold the mediocrity being churned out of our society at an alarming rate and turn it gold.
We might as well transform it into something to look at.
Something to tuck us in at night,
while we lie in our collective bed.
This is America.
Mediocre wearing a red hat.
And we will do better,
or our adversaries
will admire our ruins.

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