No Charity

Fri Jul 19, 2019 | 10:32am

Thanks very much for the full-page story by Delaney Smith that details the appalling lack of charity given to senior citizens who rent at San Vicente Mobile Home Park. It is disgusting that elderly folks, some of whom are quite ill, are being forced to find other affordable housing — the availability of which is almost nonexistent. St. Vincent’s could allow those who are renting to stay and disallow any new rentals. They refuse to do it by stating the most ridiculous reason in the world: “If we do it for one, we have to do it for all.” That is the answer you give third graders when you want them to leave you alone. Most third graders probably know that is total hooey. I hope there are lots of letters on this story and St.Vincent’s is shamed into allowing the renters to stay. They should be ashamed.

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