Preparing for a Potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) in the City of Santa Barbara – This Weekend

Sun Oct 20, 2019 | 01:29pm

The City of Santa Barbara is still preparing for a “Potential” Public Safety Shutoff (PSPS) that could happen today, SUNDAY. Time of concern remains Noon to past Sunset.

As a precaution, the City is working in conjunction with SCE to locate an information kiosk and mobile charging station at the Eastside Library, 1102 E Montecito St, Santa Barbara, CA 93103. At that location – open now through 5P.M. (or if power remains off), the public can interact with SCE staff and get up-to-date information as well as charge mobile devices.

Go to for more information on how to prepare or see Friday’s press release below.

Bilingual Version

¿Está preparado para un corte del suministro eléctrico por motivos de seguridad pública (PSPS)?

Las compañías eléctricas locales (Southern California Edison/PG&E) desarrollaron recientemente planes para apagar la electricidad durante condiciones climáticos extremos para reducir el riesgo de incendios forestales. Un corte del suministro eléctrico por motivos de seguridad pública (PSPS, por sus siglas en inglés) podría resultar en un apagón que durará varios días.

Haga clic aquí para aprender más

Local power utilities (Southern California Edison/PG&E) recently developed plans to shut down power during critical fire weather in order to reduce the risk of wildfires. The Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) could lead to multi-day power outages in many areas during periods of extremely hot, dry and/or windy weather.

As of Friday Evening, potential impacts include (Remember: Weather is an everchanging phenomenon, and we’re still about 72 hours out from an event):

Portions of the City of Santa Barbara – Sunday afternoon through Monday

Please click here to view the Public Safety Power Shutdown Interactive Map

Here’s What the City is Doing in Preparation of a Potential PSPS

  • Upstaffing personnel within Police, Fire, Public Works, Water, and Parks & Recreation

What does this mean for City of Santa Barbara residents if we have a REAL outage?

Power outages impact the whole community and can make it difficult for people to meet their basic needs, as well as:

  • Disrupt communications (phone, Internet), water and sanitation services, air conditioning, security systems and transportation
  • Close retail businesses, grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies, ATMs, banks and other services
  • Prevent the use of medical devices such as oxygen concentrators and other devices
  • Prevent the use of elevators, garage doors, electric gates and doors, etc.
  • Cause food spoilage

Go to for additional information on how to prepare

Fact Sheet:

Are You Prepared for Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)?

Local power companies (Southern California Edison/PG&E) recently developed plans to shut down power during extreme fire weather in order to reduce the risk of wildfires. A Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) could lead to power outages lasting several days.

Learn more about PSPS

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