Real Fourth Estate

Tue Nov 26, 2019 | 02:05pm

It seems incredible to me that “Rent Cap Law Doesn’t Bode Well” made it past the editors. Or maybe it shouldn’t. Who does a rent cap law or just cause eviction policy not bode well for? From the title to the content, the article presents only the interests of real estate and the landlords and does nothing to bring in the voices of policymakers and activists who have been fighting to make housing in California more affordable for the working class. I’m not a journalist, but getting multiple sides of an issue to make a comment seems to be standard practice. Such a dramatically one-sided, almost propagandistic, article does very little to enlighten the public on the policy and social issues of the day. It serves only to push the argument that any interventions into the housing market that threaten real-estate interests are bad for Santa Barbara and California.

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