The Rule of Law

Tue Dec 24, 2019 | 05:14pm

The U.S. House has voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump. The evidence that Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors is overwhelming. Yet while the House has made a clear and convincing case that Trump should be impeached, Republicans continue to abdicate their constitutional responsibilities by placing a premium on reelecting the president, regardless of the consequences.

Senate Republicans should be doing everything they can to uphold the oath they are about to take to do “impartial justice according to the Constitution and the laws.” But we’ve already seen Senate Republicans making a mockery of the process — including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who has rebuffed Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on whether witnesses would be allowed to testify — something supported by more than 70 percent of Americans.

I know I’ll be following each and every one of those Republicans and how they vote closely — and I know you are, too. And we’re going to do everything we can to hold them accountable in 2020.

If Republicans fail to impeach and remove Trump in the Senate, it serves as a dangerous precedent on the powers of the presidency and inevitably erodes the co-equal balance of power our Founding Fathers so carefully constructed. Our Constitution, our Republic, hangs in the balance.

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