Time to Reprioritize

Wed Apr 08, 2020 | 04:43pm

You are here in a pivotable moment in human history. Civilization as we know it is on pause. All of you, and all of us, those who are hoping you’ll rise to the occasion, must first survive this pandemic. And then comes the task of rebuilding.

The question is will we blindly attempt to return to where we just were? Or can we truly take lessons learned, take the opportunity to restart with new goals — to restart with new realizations that life is fragile, that the Earth and the environment require caretakers, not just takers.

You have a chance, on a variety of fronts, to avoid the adage, “If we don’t change our direction, we’re likely to end up where we’re headed!” We need leaders, not cheerleaders. People who look through telescopes, not the rearview mirror. Recalibrate what’s important! Rethink how to move things forward. Reprioritize the immediate vs. the future.

For all of us, you included, don’t miss it. Don’t screw it up. Make use of the best and brightest. Generations now and ahead of us are calling you to task!

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