Beach Perception

Tue May 05, 2020 | 11:32am

The photo you used of Leadbetter beach crowds disobeying California COVID-19 social distancing was disgraceful and inaccurate journalism! Anyone who uses the beach often can see that the folks portrayed in that photo are abiding by six-foot social distancing. I have been at our Santa Barbara beaches most recent days getting some exercise, and I see the vast majority abiding by distancing.

What your photograph doesn’t reflect is that required distancing does not apply to those living in the same household. The implication is that all the couples and families on the beach not distancing are not living in the same household! My wife and I could have been one of those couples.

Such an assumption is either dishonest or incompetent investigative journalism. Zooming in on this photo, with the facts I have stated held in mind, clearly show six-foot distancing, even by all those in the water!

Editor’s Note: The photograph was taken from a height at a distance with a wide lens to show the entire beach.

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